I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. - HillaryClinton.com
Now, from Philadelphia Daily News:
Clinton acknowleged today for the first time that it was a "misstatement" when she said in a major prepared foreign policy speech last week that "I remember landing under sniper fire" but also tried to brush off the entire issue as "a minor blip." She also gave a revised account of her airplane landing and her tarmac greeting at the Tuzla Air Force base 12 years ago -- seeking to explain a picture re-published this weekend in the Washington Post showing her and daughter Chelsea calmly greeting an 8-year-old girl.
In her speech last week at George Washington University, Clinton maintained "[t]here was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. Today, she told our group at the Daily News that she was informed that we "had to meet this 8-year-old girl," so "I took her stuff and left." - Source: Philadelphia Daily News
The video:
Misspoke. We've gone from "I had to run from the airplane to the cars because I landed under sniper fire", to "Well, I took the kid's stuff from the 8 year old and left" - all the while the camera rolls, shows Senator Clinton strolling about, hugs for people.
I've mentioned her lies before - how her campaign sent out fliers saying Obama wasn't *really* pro-choice ("He voted present"), stating that Florida and Michigan "don't count" - until they do. Turns out she made up stuff about her trips abroad. About her work to get S-CHIP passed.
Enough - just come out and say you lied, Senator Clinton. You wanted to make yourself look good. You were padding your resume. We all do it. Now, the question is, are you going to step up to the plate? Or you going to do what Obama did, address the nation, say "Yes, there is a problem, and I didn't deal with it then, and I'm going to tell you why this is important, and go forward?"
Or are you going to shade the truth some more, try to rationalize it, try to hope it "just goes away"? Are you a politician, or a leader, Senator Clinton?
Oh, O.K., I will if you insist ...
I only meant to convey the gist
of being part of a traveling review
while nonetheless getting my due.
Sinbad should have let me slide
Crow was willing to let it ride.
Now news "snipers", let it rest,
Everyone knows I'm still the best.
Obama's a kid -- yet to face knocks
Not a match for someone on Botox!
The video does show some Tarmac;
and allelse -- I take it back
*snerk* This belongs on Youtube - somebody should get Jay-Z on the phone ;).
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